"I bought a one-way ticket, 'cause I knew I'd never see the ground, unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down. When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise. And I woke up beside the ocean, I realized: I must be in California." -Owl City

Monday, November 8, 2010

Midnight Madness.

On 11/7 at 11:07 pm, we had “Midnight Madness,” our kickoff event for basketball season. Unfortunately for me, I wasn’t feeling well that night—so a hot, packed gym and loud music didn’t make things much better. However, I decided to stick it out and shoot some pictures.

The event consisted for a series of different events. The men’s and women’s basketball teams were announced by name. Every other sport that Biola has was announced as a team and they ran across the court.

Announcing the men's team.

There was a three-point shot competition, where the men’s team represented lower campus and the women’s team represented upper campus. The women won, and names of people from the four dorms on upper campus were pulled out of boxes. Those four people took part in a free-throw contest, and the winner got an iPad.

Xopoc, our dance troupe put on a fantastic performance. Later, the cheerleaders taught everyone how to do Biola basketball cheers.

One of my favorite moments came early on in the event. The King’s Men performed the National Anthem, and it was absolutely amazing. They are all incredibly talented. A friend of mine is a part of the group, so that made it even better.

My friend Mackenzie is third from the left.

At the very end, they invited everyone to rush the court, and they shot off all kinds of confetti canons. It literally was madness.

Confetti like crazy.

Despite having work to do for the next morning, it was a pretty fun night. If any of you are interested in seeing any of the actions live, here is a short video that sums it up well:

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