"I bought a one-way ticket, 'cause I knew I'd never see the ground, unless I was aboard a jet plane and we were going down. When I wiped the tears from my eyes, the warm water took me by surprise. And I woke up beside the ocean, I realized: I must be in California." -Owl City

Monday, December 20, 2010

Surprises and band concerts.

Today was a day filled with surprises.
It was wonderful.

It’s my dad’s birthday, so Liz and I wanted to do something for him. My parents thought that Liz had to work in the afternoon, and we would be returned home later in the evening. In reality, she had gotten work off a couple of weeks ago. So this morning we got up and headed north.

After about a half hour of driving, my mom called my sister. She was surprised that we were already up, but we told her we had gone out for breakfast before Liz had to work. My mom then informed us that a bad snowstorm was coming that afternoon, and she didn’t want us driving home in it. We told her that was probably the safest thing to do and that we would see her tomorrow. My mom then wanted to talk to me, so Liz handed me her phone. My mom read me an e-mail she had received from Southwest telling her that I would be given a flight voucher for my flight cancellation. Score. At least I got something out of all that madness.

I got off the phone, and Liz and I laughed about how awesome our surprise was going to be now. After two hours in the car, we arrived at the school where my dad works. We went inside and snuck into the back of his classroom. The students were watching a movie and my dad was sitting at his desk, working on something. Liz and I started to cough obnoxiously. Some of the students turn around immediately, but it took my dad a minute to look up. Once he did, confusion initially crossed his face. He came and hugged us and asked us where we were doing there. We explained the whole situation and told him that Mom didn’t know yet so he couldn’t ruin the surprise. Liz gave him a birthday gift and we talked with him for a little bit.

It’s just over a ten-minute drive from my dad’s school to our house, so we were home soon enough. Oh, our humble abode. It was beautiful to see it again, especially all covered in snow.

Liz and I pounded on the front door, and we could hear my mom going to open the door. We heard her tell someone on the phone that there was someone at the door. She opened up to our smiling faces and began laughing. She told the person on the other end that she had to go because her daughters were home. It was wonderful.

When my brother was going to be getting out of school, we had my mom text him telling her she would be picking him up. Otherwise, he’ll walk or get a ride from a friend. Instead of my mom going, though, Liz and I parked where my mom had told Isaac she would be. And then we waited. And waited. No Isaac. Finally, we got a hold of him and he had walked home. So much for that surprise. My grandma lives right down the block, though, so we went to see her for a few minutes, and she was surprised to see us.

This evening, my brother had his Christmas band concert. Liz had told him that we wouldn’t be home in time to go, so it was fun that we were doing so. Isaac plays percussion, and he did a great job. After the concert, my dad took this picture of the girls:

Three generations! Grandma, mom, Liz, me.

It’s been a full day of driving, surprises, and reunions.

I am finally home.

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