A couple of days ago, I stumbled across this quote and instantly liked it. Last night, I experienced some of the depth that it holds.
It’s currently my fifth day being back in California, and things are a little different than I expected them to be, to say the very least. Now don’t get me wrong here, it’s great to be back. It’s wonderful to see the faces of all kinds of people that I’ve gotten to know. Not to mention, there’s something to say for going from snowy, overcast days, to those filled with blue skies and sunshine. Being back has by no means been a breeze, however.
You see, the little things always try to get the best of you—like having too many books and not enough desk space. You become so overwhelmed with how to best organize your desk that you temporary give up even trying. Or when your printer—which requires four separate ink tanks—suddenly decides that three of them are going to be dangerously low. Or on the day that your trial runs out on the software you're using, you learn that the computer store doesn't have it. And can't get it for you for a bit. Or when you have a W-2 M.I.A. back in Minnesota, and are anxiously waiting for a check to arrive in California. And once it arrives, you get to deal with both the Accounting and Financial Aid offices. Or when you leave such stressful situations at home that worry begins to consume your thoughts constantly.
Now I realize that sounds like an awful lot of complaining. And it is. But I need to set the stage in order for you to see the bridge back to my initial quote. Yesterday afternoon, I made brownies to be brought to Mosaic 203—my favorite room on campus. I will have to tell more about the three fantastic chaps who inhabit that room another time—otherwise this post could become far too long.
When I headed there later in the evening, I took a seat on the floor and sat back. The few of us there sat and talked and laughed—just like we did so often last semester. From Belgium waffles to dramatic music, we laughed about so many different things. For those of you who don’t know, I love to laugh more than almost anything else. Granted, I’ve laughed plenty since I’ve been back on campus, but not like this. Last night I laughed until it hurt. And then kept laughing.
God certainly knew what He was doing when He created laughter. And I am so thankful for it. The Lord has granted me so much joy—and I am thanking Him for all the little things. Like friends that don’t give up on me, even when I’m being incredibly stubborn. Or reading a book so great that it’s bittersweet to finish it. Or when a photo turns out better than I expected it to. He is in all the little things in my life—good and bad. He cares about the details. He is teaching me through all of it.
I don’t ever want a day to go by in which I don’t laugh. It’s far too precious of a gift from the Lord. And as C.S. Lewis said, “Joy is the serious business of Heaven.”
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